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7 Courses

A General framework for the promotion of physical activity in older age
Interactive Learning Environment
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Interactive Learning Environment

A General framework for the promotion of physical activity in older age

Section A provides a general framework for the promotion of physical activity in older age.

It examines the benefits of an active lifestyle for older adults and analyses its influence on relevant aspects like frailty, dependency, and clinical conditions.

Further, it discusses its interrelation with other aspects of life, including contextual, social, and political factors and how they impact and shape the promotion of physical activity in third age.

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  • B Basic concepts of physical activity and motivation
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    B Basic concepts of physical activity and motivation

    Section B provides an insight into the basic principles of physical activity and its impact on autonomous and healthy ageing.

    It displays different types and aspects of physical activity and their significance for developing or maintaining an active lifestyle.

    In addition, it examines the impact of various personal factors such as motivation and self-perception that facilitate or impede engagement in physical activity and provides mechanisms to overcome possible barriers.  

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  • C How to change behaviour and start be active
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    C How to change behaviour and start be active

    Section C examines the basic theory, principles and stages of behavior change models and strategies.

    It introduces different approaches to behavior change as well as the processes and mechanisms that shape behavior.

    Further, this section identifies and elaborates on useful techniques and interventions that can be applied when helping older adults engage in a more active lifestyle.  

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  • D Recommendations and guidelines for exercise and physical activity
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    D Recommendations and guidelines for exercise and physical activity

    Section D offers practical recommendations for helping older adults engage in physical activity, including components of exercise and related guidelines. 

    It provides suggestions on how to plan exercises for older adults and analyses the preconditions and requirements for older adults to be physically active in a safe and customized way.

    It further elaborates on the implementation of technology during physical activity.  

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  • E Interactive
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    E Interactive

    Section E offers interactive material, covering the provided content from Sections A – D.

    This includes practical exercise videos and a cross-section task that may be used for self-evaluation. 

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  • F Appendix
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    F Appendix

    Section F includes information about the Moodle e-learning platform and the mobile application. 

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  • Platform evaluation
    Interactive Learning Environment
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    Interactive Learning Environment

    Platform evaluation

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